Sunday, November 16, 2008

PC Users?

In light of all the talk of DevonThink, Bookends, etc., do any of you have recommendations for PC users? Another dissertation-writing friend is looking for ways to manage sources on her PC. I said she should just get a Mac . . .


kevin said...

The whole reason I started even looking for DevonThink was because of Frank Brownlow. We were chatting after some event at the Ren Center and he started raving about Nota Bene, as if the whole world knew what that was. When I went home to look it up ( I discovered it was a pretty amazing academic program with database, biblio manager, and word processor in one. The testamonials really peaked my interest: all these big-whig academics basically say their careers depend upon it. But then I learned that it was only for PC users, and that there is no hint of ever making a Mac edition.

This program is what Mac users are trying to emulate with DevonThink, although Nota Bene has the benefit of incorporating a word processor and biblio manager all in one program. We have to piece it together.

Amstr said...

Thanks! I'll pass along the info.