Monday, December 8, 2008

Far Out

I was realizing this past week that for most folks in the academic world, early December is a big push time. And I just took a week off to look for a new rental.

After a break for Thanksgiving and househunting, I'm back to my 15 minutes a day of writing and whatever reading I can squeeze in.

How are you all doing?


AG said...

Well, I decided to take the holiday season off as a little reward for passing my exams. But don't get jealous - I'm not doing anything wildly (or even mildly) interesting. Pretty much, I'm using my time to watch reruns of "The King of Queens" and "That 70's Show." I didn't watch these shows when they were on the first time, but clearly, my brain is a bit mushy right now.

Maybe I should read a book?

Amstr said...

Goodness! You deserve a huge break after exams. Don't even bother reading anything, expect maybe Sweet Valley High books or something equally inane.

I think I've now given myself permission to not feel guilty about not working until January. We found a place and are moving in on Monday. Even with packers and movers, I'll still be dealing with house stuff until Christmas. I'm all for starting the new year with great intentions.

Have a fantastic break and a good rest from all things academic.